Saturday, December 31, 2011

Have you thanked Lindsay Lohan yet for making a bright new day?

Lindsay Lohan didn't create this day, god did. And I'm having a horrible day so, why should I be thanking anybody but God, for keeping us alive today.

Pat Benatar or Debbie Harry (aka Blondie)?

I love them both I just wanted to see what other think of them and which one you think is better....

How often does it snow in Arlington Texas?

Not very often. Arlington and the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex rarely sees snow. If it does snow, it is usually late January and into February

Is this for reals(im sure its not)?

Anything coming from a Nigerian bank is a scam. On no account must you send them any personal details of any kind. They want to steal your identity, and particularly they want to get into your bank account. Don't fall for it. If you do, I guarantee that you will regret it.

Who thinks bridget from neighbours is ugly

there is a girl in neighbours who is just really weird looking but she get all the fit lads and when i say fit i mean proper fit lol n she wears like these horribe thick jumpers that looks like you thrown up on. her dress sense is awful and i no it not bout looks but she also a bit of cow and she is really moody as well

I need a Microphone to record LecutreS! uhmm College Student.. needs to connect to laptop... not bulky.. cheap?

i need as microphone.. not too expensive.. but good quality.. should be able to record a standard conversation.. or someone giving a speech.. a few hundred feet away... should be able to pick up what i hear.. not bulky... not expensive.. please.. =)

My twin is really embarsing... Help?!?

I'm a girl and I have a twin that's a boy. We go to the same school and have 3 cles together (btw we're in 8th grade). He's soo annoying. He calls my friends ugly like one of them has gles and he called her a 4 eyed queerr then my other friend is sort of fat not really and he called her a fatazz. I have diabetes and he makes fun of me for having to take my shots. In cl he embares me in front of everyone saying that i sing justin bieber in the shower when i really dont haha >.> Then he spreads a rumor about me how I kissed my older brother and the whole school thinks im ! He spread another rumor about me that i sucked my horse's d!ck (we have horses). Then whenever we go to parties HE comes too and i cant invite friends over without him being annoying and trying to flirt or get with them -__- ugh. How can I tell him to stop or just get away from him?? I already tried telling me to get out of my life but hes like shut up fatty go get stuck in the pantry since your addicted to eating. Should I switch schools since he spreads rumors about me?!

Name of the song being played at the beginning of film "Jennifer's Body"?

Um...I think it is Through The Trees by Low Shoulder...well, that's the song that they play constantly (and even comment on the name) throughout the movie. I'm too tired to watch it again tonight to see what song is actually playing at that exact moment, but I would say a good guess is Through The Trees. Check it out on youtube. If that's not it, then email me and I'll watch it again to find out. :)

For those easily intimidated?

I know I posted another question like this before, but I have something to ask again for those easily intimidated people. Do you find yourself having problems with speech when you talk to others? Cause I'm guessing the reason for intimidation from others is that the mouth is slow and couldn't pick up with the mouth harmoniously, otherwise the intimidation will not be there as often if you spoke the way a lot of people do. That is how it is from my experience, I do get easily intimidated if i don't stop and take some time to think longer than the average person would and I end up being wordless. So I wonder if that's how it is for others, it might be the speech patterns that are the most problematic factor

What does this omen mean?

so i was outside walking my dog and i looked up and saw a face in the clouds with the moon in the right eye. it was smiling, but then a moment later the clouds shifted into what looked like a skull. what could this mean? (the face wasnt like a perfect face, but you could tell it was from a glance, same with skull) i didntr know what subject to put this under, dream interp was close as i could see haha

I like President Bush. He is not a perfect man and he has never claimed to be one.?

Thank you for reminding us of what we have in a President! And No, I don't think anyone could take the constant "beating" our President takes without having a deep well of inward strength. His wife is his confidant and gift. The Presidential prayer team and people of many faiths respectfully hold up his arms. Let's not forget to pray for the President and First Lady tonight. Let's remember that they are ordinary folk inside, just like the rest of us. When we "smite" them, it hurts! Let us give honor to whom honor is due. Let's send him a note to thank him for laying down his life for the well-being of the United States of America. No one in their right mind would want his job. We can be thankful for wonderful and great President, George W. Bush.

Looking for a career option that involves humanitarian work, based on what I'm studying in the college?

I'm studying math/comp sci/advanced stat, and I speak fluent spanish. I'm looking for any ideas for a career (I still have a ways before I pick a career, obviously) that involves humanitarian work in Latin America, especially Guatemala. Guatemala's a personal preference, but anywhere in spanish-speaking latin america would be good. Does anyone have any ideas for a job like this where my skills would be useful? Thanks!

When we dream, and we don't remember them, are we dreaming as someone else rather than ourselves?

Have you ever dreamed to the point that you don't remember. It could be that you are living that dream as someone else, like you were reincarnated while in a dream state and are only that person when you dream. and when you awaken, you are your normal self.

Would you be mad at your dad if you were watching Jonas Brothers stuff together and...?

i would be scarred for life and i would definitely think my dad was gay. i would freak out and not talk about the jonas brothers in front of him or watch anything of theirs in front of him anymore.

Could this be Rett's Syndrome?

My twin daughters are 27 months old and have been diagnosed with PDD-NOS, and I am concerned that they could have Rett's. Has anyone heard of a child being diagnosed this late? I never suspected Rett's before because their heads have always been very large and I thought the onset of the regressions for Rett's started when they were very young.

Which out of these 2 are better PLEASE READ?

They are both very good, but I prefer the first for it's beauty and for it's insight to God's abilities compared to man's.

I'm curious as to how much my settlement claim is worth.?

I was in a car accident just under a year ago in Atlanta Ga. Since the wreck I have had two shoulder repairs performed within three months of one another. My neck and back hurt all the time, and I will most likely be receiving injections for the rest of my life to control the pain. My attorney has already filed suit against the faulty party's insurance company in Fulton Co. I do not like asking such questions because I feel that it screams "gold digger!!", but considering the amount of money my family has put out for copays at $30 a pop, and there have been a ton of "pops", medication which alone tops over $2000, gasoline for traveling to all of the doctor appt.s, and etc... we could surely use the money. My life has been altered from being an active mom who loved serving the community by volunteering for Meals on Wheels, our local charitable Thrift Store and Food Pantry, and being an active participant at my children's sports events. Now I spend my days as a pathetic couch potato! It seems that every time I attempt to resume any part of my previous schedule, I end up back in the doctor's office on pain meds. The other driver was 100% at fault being that this was a rear end crash. If I had a general idea as to what type of "pot" was waiting at the end of my personal "Rainbow," I feel like I would be a little more lively in spirit than the sad sap I've become. Perhaps this is a question for my attorney; I have such limited access to her though. Does anyone out in "Answers-land" have a general idea as to what I can expect?

Is prohibition against any and all alcoholic beverages for young people the best way to prevent alcohol abuse?

No. This indirectly encourages abuse by making drinking appear to be a mark of maturity or an initiation into adulthood.

Are the peoples of India and the surrounding Region, the descendents of MU?

The people of Easter Island are of Polynesian origin and speak a Polynesian language. They created the giant heads. The people of Easter Island had no written language until after contact with Europeans.